Hiking and Caving in Korallgrottan

SEK 1 150,00 SEK
  • Продолжительность: 8 час. (прибл.)
  • Место встречи: Stora Blåsjön, Jämtland
  • Код предложения: korallgrottan

A one day adventure!

We meet at the parking space in Ankarvattnet. From there it is four kilometres of hiking on boardwalks leading through a wild mountain spruce and birch forest.

Suddenly we see how the landscape is changing. We enter a stretch of limestone bedrock and see a doline, a sign that something is happening underground. The thrill of exploration kicks in as we find our way forward. Soon we arrive at one of the cave entrances, a huge crater where the stream disappears underground. We feel our curiosity pulling us toward the opening.

Luxury coffee break before crawling

Once we arrive at the small cabin near the cave we have a coffee break with snacks consisting of locally produced delicacies before putting on the caving equipment. On the forest edge there is an outdoor toilet, a fireplace and fresh, drinkable, spring water. You can leave any valuables in a locked room.

Caving in narrow passages or large caverns

Now it is time to enter the cave. For two hours we are disconnected from the outside world, experiencing complete darkness and the sense of stillness, combined with the thrill of exploring the unknown.

We pass unique formations formed by the cave such as “cave bacon”, “corals” and ancient stalactites, crawling through narrow passages and walking in gigantic halls. Depending on the season we pass masses of ice or dry rock. The way forward is determined by the group’s physical capabilities and daring. Do you have what it takes to crawl into “the Speaking pipe” or through “the Well”?

After two hours, we catch a glimpse of light coming from the crater and we are back in the daylight. Take the opportunity to take a refreshing shower in the waterfall!

A high-quality lunch

The tour is finished with a late lunch, made from local products on an open fire.